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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Last Day of Open House

Yesterday was the last day of the open house and I was working out in the garage when my wife suggested that I take some pictures of the folks at the open house.  I'm glad she did.  Here are the photos.  I am going to miss the crowds and the excitement and spirit I felt at the open house!

These buses brought lots of people to the Temple.  I got to be a host on one of them on the first day of the open house.

One of the friendly ushers at the temple.

The flowers and the green grass make me wish for summer all year round.

Notice all the empty water bottles bulging out of the trash can from the open house.



I loved this mosaic of the temple.


  1. Your pictures are beautiful! Thank you for posting them. We love following the progress of the construction. We are so excited for the dedication! Are you pictures copyrighted? With your permission my mom and I would like to use some of them in a photo book for my grandpa. We are making a book for Christmas of the temple for him. He lives in Brigham and has walked to the temple everyday to see the construction progress during the past two years. Our ancestors were among the first settlers in Brigham and family has been there since. I look forward to hearing back from you. Please email me at Thank you! Merideth

  2. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Such amazing photos . . . was not able to attend the open house so happy to see your photos and looking forward to the dedication.


