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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 78

Two weeks have gone by and I am behind again.  It just takes me awhile to get the pictures uploaded and posted to the blog.

I have really enjoyed seeing the construction of the temple and can barely imagine what it looks like on the inside.  By the way, if anyone happens across this blog who is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, there will be an open house for the public before the temple is dedicated, where all are welcome to tour the building.  I am very anxious for that day and I invite all to come and see.  I will let readers know of the date as soon as it is announced.

I didn't realize that this gentleman was taking pictures from the roof until I got home and uploaded the photos.  I had to use the 40x zoom to even get the photo.
The topsoil is ready for planting.
The North side isn't as far along as the South, but the work is still progressing.
More rock work -  I think it will look great with the landscaping.
The workers were pouring more concrete with this pump.  The entrance to the underground parking had red tubing in the concrete.  I guess the driveway will be heated to deice it.

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