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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 77

I hope that I am not offending any skiers out there by how much I enjoy the sunny days we keep having.  Yesterday was no exception.  The sky was blue, like the ocean and the temple was blindingly white.  I really enjoyed taking these pictures as the rock work, landscaping, and ornamental fence continue to progress.
Rock work on the Southwest corner
Severe clear and blue!
The South parking lot and fence are advancing.
Almost all the topsoil has been placed on the South side.
Vapor from the furnace on a clear, cold day
More work remains to be done on the North side, which is in the shadow of the temple and frozen, unlike the South side.
I love these posts for the ornamental iron fence!
See, there is snow on the North facing slopes.
This conveyor has been used to place many cubic yards of topsoil into the planters, etc.

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