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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week 101 Construction

A peaceful walk around the temple block this morning showed significant progress in finishing up the odds and ends around the temple.

The curb and gutter is complete on 3rd South and the street has been repaired.  You can see the new asphalt in this photo.
Only piles of mulch remain to be placed on the North side.

The petunias are colorful and bright along Main Street.
It's not real obvious what is different on the Tabernacle side.  The track hoe is gone and there is a large pile of demolished concrete, but I don't know where it came from.  I assume that the landscaping will be complete by the temple open house.  That is only 6 weeks away.  Maybe they are concentrating on the temple grounds and then will transition to working on the Tabernacle grounds when they are done with the temple grounds.

I think the green grass adds significantly to the beauty of the grounds!
Second South is all complete; nice new asphalt and new sidewalks.
Just a little more landscaping to be done along Main Street.

First West is spanking new, too!

The West entrances are better than ever before.  All the trailers and large trucks and machinery are gone.  It is really looking sparkly and nice.

Sidewalks all around the block are complete.

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